Sunday sermons in 2013

For sermons in previous years click here:  2012     2011     2010     2009     2008

29 December   Special New Year Service

22 December  Carol Service

15 December. Special Christmas Service

8 December Bernie Townsend.  Jewish roots of Christianity.

The root and the branches. God made a covenant with Abraham to bless all people through the Jewish people. Genesis 12:1-3, Acts 7:2-8 We are now 'Abraham's seed' Galatians 3:15, and are grafted in onto the rootstock of Israel. Romans 11:11-24. This is not a replacement of Israel by the Church, or  a dual covenant whereby the Jews have their own way to God under their own covenant. Under the new Covenant salvation is only found in Christ. John 14:6. and all the promises of the Old covenant are fulfilled in the New. The purpose of grafting in of the Church onto the rootstock of Israel is to bring about greater growth, stronger resistance and more fruitfulness.

The destiny of Israel. Before the end of the age there will be restoration and redemption of Israel. Acts 3:19-21. Israel and the Christian Church are not the same. The first covenant was with Israel so she could be a source of blessing to all nations through a remnant. Zechariah 13:8,9. Today Middle East conflict comes from two opposing spiritual forces: God's grace in restoring Israel and in the coming of Jesus versus the deceitful outworking of Satan's opposition to God's purposes. Genesis 3:15.

The land. Psalm 105:8-11. The covenant God made with Abraham was forever, and included the land of Canaan as an inheritance. Ezekiel 47:14, 22,23. (The 'land' includes all nations Acts 17:26, including NZ and other Gentile nations. Joel 3:2.  Jeremiah 30:3, 31:7, Zechariah 12:10, 14:4,5). This is one of the benefits of being grafted in to Israel!

Jesus will return to the land and bring in the New Heavens and the New Earth. Revelation 21:1-5. Praise God He has included us!

1 December Ross Callaghan. Things I've learnt over the last few years.

Old people. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-14. I like old people, and am rapidly becoming an old people! Old people have a lot going for them. Ministry to old people is specialised (and it’s just as important and valuable as ministry to young people). Dementia is horrible. Our attitude to aging, ailments and heaven is all important.

The Bible. Psalm 109:105. I love studying the Bible (and teaching from it). The two series I did on “How to interpret the Bible” and “What is truth?” were really significant. Poor interpretation of the Bible is one of the greatest threats to the Kingdom of God and the future of the Church. e.g. use of verses out of context to validate our thinking and actions, or to manipulate or control others. Mark 7:9-13. Poor interpretation of the Bible underpins all “Christian” religion. Systematic study of the Bible using valid interpretation is wonderful because it enables us to have glimpses into the logos (word) of God.

Church. Matthew 16:18. Our understanding of the meaning of “church” comes from the time when Christianity was forcibly taken over by Rome under Constantine (325 AD.). “The church” became a Roman organisation with a powerful leadership hierarchy; providing “services”; requiring staff and buildings; and demanding attendance, obedience, and funding. The original Greek word for church ekklēsía (called out ones) was given the new meaning “church” in the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible (400 AD) based on kyriake doma – the house of the Lord. Over time this became kirken (German), Kirk (Scottish), and Church (English).Nowadays our understanding of “Church” is culturally determined, but is still based on the Roman model. The organised “Church” is becoming increasingly irrelevant (except within its own limited sub-cultures) and could easily die out within a century.Even though most of the activities of the organised “Church” are not relevant for the Kingdom of God, God uses anything to bring about His purposes. We have tried to make “Church” interesting and relevant to counter the widespread boredom that many Christians have after “going to” Church for years.There is a strong worldwide movement where Christians are seeking to become “church” as it really is, i.e. ekklēsía (called out ones focused on bringing in the Kingdom of God). God is still working within the church! . Ephesians 5:25-27.

Life. Galatians 6:7-10. As you get older you realise the importance of the foundations you established for your life in the past: health, attitudes, priorities, finances, relationship with God, relationship with others, relationship with yourself. We really do reap what we sow! Life moves through phases and retirement is a great phase! One phase for us is now finishing, and a new phase is beginning. Life is truly meaningful if we are in right relationship with the Lord and with people, and we are fulfilling the purposes that God has for us for this time. Philippians 3:7-14.

24 November AGM.

27 October - 17 November  Ross Callaghan From the Exodus to the Exile

In this series we survey the period in Israel's history during which the nation was established. The studies are based on the following books.

Click on each book to download a full set of study notes for that book.

Joshua. Describes how Moses passed the leadership on to Joshua and how the Children of Israel took over the Promised Land of Canaan. The land was allocated to the various tribes but they didn't fully obey God as they accomplished this because they didn't fully evict the Canaanite nations and their gods.

Judges. Describes how God raised up judges to help evict the Canaanite nations.

Ruth.  Describes how Elimelech and his wife Ruth went to Moab to escape a famine in the land, and how Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth returned to Israel where Ruth married Boaz. A beautiful love story!

I and 2 Samuel. Describes the transition of leadership in Israel from Judges to Kings, and then the rule of King Saul and King David.


Later on we will study 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles Ezra and Nehemiah to complete this series.


20 October  Jeni Tucker  Israel - God's time clock

Testing makes us stronger as God removes the dross from our lives. We are in extraordinary days and Israel is our time clock.  Luke 21:25-28. We are to look up when we see these things happening. Amos 9:14,15. Prophets are being raised up throughout the world so that the message of Israel is written on our hearts and the church and Israel are one. This will require much revelation and forgiveness. Psalm 122:6. It's now time for a breakthrough! We are watchmen called to watch and pray for NZ and for Israel. Isaiah 62:6,7. Genesis 12:3, 14:19,20. This will lead to great blessing. Amos 3:7,8.


13 October  Bernie Townsend  Old Testament 'pearls'

Jesus continually used Old Testament 'pearls' as He spoke, to give context for His listeners. Here are some examples:

  • Matthew 21:16. Jesus quotes from Psalm 8:2 which would have immediately brought the rest of the Psalm to mind because Jesus' listeners probably knew the Psalm off by heart.
  • Matthew 18:22. "77 times" links back to Genesis 4:24, and so does not refer to a number, but to continual forgiveness. It is about our attitude - our forgiveness should far exceed the wrong done to us.

Jesus often used a 'library' of scriptures from Moses, Prophets, and Psalms and linked them to illustrate His point. For example:

  • The parables in Matthew 22:3-39 draw on all the OT sources.
  • The Beatitudes in Matthew 53-12 are based on Isaiah and Psalms.

God Himself seemed to enjoy 'stringing pearls together'. For example:

  • At Jesus baptism in Mark 1 God quoted from Psalm 2:7, Genesis 22:2 and Isaiah 42:1. These were all recognized Messianic prophecies so would have deeper meaning than just 'This is my beloved Son' for those who heard.
Similarly, Jesus' words about Himself were underscored by Old Testament meaning. For example:
  • Good shepherd. John 10:14,15. relates back to Psalm 23:1 and Ezekiel 34:17. In saying He was the good Shepherd Jesus would have been understood as saying He was the King, or even God, the Shepherd of Israel.
  • Son of man. Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27. This would not be understood as being about Jesus' humanity or servant hood. It would have been related to Daniel, 7:13,14, the most powerful Messianic scripture in the Old Testament!
We can miss a most of the meaning of what Jesus was saying if we don't understand the Jewish roots of the 'pearls' He used so consistently!


6 October  Rhys Cocker  Psalm 126

This Psalm refers to the time when the captives from Babylon returned to Zion. This is equivalent to when we were saved and brought back into relationship with the Lord. We laughed and sang for joy because the Lord did great things for us. After rejoicing we then ask God to turn the hearts of those who are still in captivity that they too may experience the 'streams' of God's life.  People out there are crying out for God and our task is to go forth and sow a non-ending trail of seeds. In due course we will reap, and this will bring much joy. So let's rejoice in our salvation and then go and share it with others.

29 September  Rodney Francis  Your prophetic foundation.

The prophetic foundation for your life is to hear God's voice and do what He says. Whenever God tells you to do something it produces faith so you can do what He says. The word becomes flesh, John 1:14, and God will bless it by doing what He says and providing all that is needed. John 10:27, 6:63, Matthew 7:24-27. Foundations are important. It is the wise who listen to God's voice, trust His word and then prove its truth. There's always someone waiting on the other side of your obedience!


22 September. Richard Nicoll. Passing the faith on to the next generation

2 Corinthians 1:21. We all have an anointing and must share it in faith. Freely we have received; freely we give. Judges 2:1-10. Another generation is following us who need to know the Lord. They haven't experienced what we have experienced or seen God's power as we have. 1 Corinthians 2:4,5; 4:20. The Kingdom of God is not about talk, but about demonstration of God's power under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

It's still not too late to pass this legacy on to the next generation. It's like a race and we need to finish well through our end-time harvest. 1 Corinthians 9:24; Galatians 5:7,8; 2 Timothy 4:7. We need to be changed 2 Corinthians 3:18, and move in new ways. (Jesus only moved in power after being anointed by the Holy Spirit). The Word + the Holy Spirit leads to a demonstration of God's power which leads to fruit for the Kingdom of God. We are an end-time church about to reap the end-time harvest.

15 September Kathy Callaghan  The 10 lepers  Luke 17:11-19.

Leprosy is a terrible disease, physically, emotionally and socially. Once diagnosed lepers were immediately removed from the communityy and lived under constant isolation and humiliation. Leviticus 13. Ten lepers came to Jesus: 9 Jews and 1 Samaritan. Jesus tells them to "show yourselves to the Priest" and in faith they all obeyed, but only when they were "on the way" were they healed. The Samaritan returned and thanked Jesus publicly and loudly. The other nine were also healed and after showing themselves to the Priest would have been able to resume their lives.

All ten were katharizo - cleansed physically, ceremonially and spiritually, but only the Samaritan was made whole, and saved: sozo - healed, delivered, rescued, from spiritual disease.

Jesus used this situation to speak to the crowd. He rebuked the ungrateful, rather than praising the grateful. He knows we all need to be grateful, because gratitude comes from trusting, obeying and serving God. It is crucial to wholeness. Gratitude is the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful. Thankfulness is expressing gratitude. Let's be grateful, and express it in thankfulness!

Watch a short clip of this story here.

8 September. Bruce Billington. Lessons from the life of Jacob.
   Genesis 32.

Jacob shows us a lot about human nature, especially when he was about to face his brother Esau who he had deceived.

v 1-20. He tried to appease his brother with a present. He tried to get out of the trouble in his own strength.
His strength was not sufficient and finally he turned to God. He prayed a model prayer identifying who God is, and reminding God of His promises. 2 Cor 12:9. God wants us to work with Him: the quicker we turn to Him, the quicker we see His power.

v22-29. Jacob wrestled with God, saying "I will not let you go till you bless me". He realised God had to be central in his life and that he had to sort out his issues with God first, before he could resolve them with others. The problem wasn't in Esau, it was in Jacob. God changed his name from Jacob - trickster, supplanter, to Israel - he struggles with God. When Jacob was broken a whole new person emerged! Zech 4:6. He learned that there was a great power source in God, beyond his human limitations. Romans 5:1-5. He had found the purpose for his tribulations but came out with a limp - a reminder not to operate in his own flesh. We can achieve great things in God, regardless of our own limitations, because of His strength in us. Later, in the new covenant, Jesus revealed God fully. He gives us a new heart so we can know Abba, Father. In Christ we have so much more than Jacob had.

v30-32. God then left Jacob. He had given him all he needed for what he was to face. Jacob could go and face the adversity because God had built something deep within him. God is building an eternal weight of glory in our hearts!. 2 Cor 4;17.

25 August, 1 September  Bernie Townsend. Jewish roots of our Christian faith.  Isaiah 11:1.

Judaism is based on the Torah, the Mishnah (commentaries on the Torah), and the Talmud (interpretation of the Mishnah).

Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible. Torah means 'teaching' or 'instruction'. Initially it was in oral form and is sometimes called 'the Law of Moses'. It contains narratives, laws, religious obligations, and statements of ethics, and describes God's covenant with His people. Torah starts with God acting so that everything came to be. God is Elohim (God), Adonai (Lord), and His name is YHWH. He is the universal mono-theistic God; one God, personal, supernatural, holy and good, Deut 6:4. (The Trinity as '3 in 1' is rejected, as is Jesus as Messiah or as God. Matt 26:25, 1 Sam 15:27. Yet Jesus' Christology is all through the Old Testament! Gen 3:15, Ps 22, Ps 110:1, Is 53, Jer 23:6, Ezek 34:23,24, and from Jesus Himself. John 14:1, 10, 23; 16:12; 17:1.

is a house of prayer, assembly, learning. It is used for prayer but not necessarily for worship. (Worship can take place on your own or in community with 10 others).

Scribes were professionals or officials like lawyers, financiers. Some copied documents.

Rabbis.  Jesus was a rabbi with a difference!  Rabbi means 'Master, great one'. Rabbis were teachers of Jewish values and customs. They provided counsel, and taught Torah, linking it to every day life. Rabbis memorized Torah and studied all of the Old Testament within the community and family environment. Study, not prayer, was the highest form of worship. Jesus was recognised among the Rabbis as one who was gifted and proven. Luke 12:13,14; Luke 4:15. He was learned, compliant with Torah and contributed to debate and argument with other Rabbis. Matthew 22:15-46. He was different because the Spirit of the Lord was on Him.
Luke 4:18.

Rabbis used parables to demonstrate and explain points, trying to make people think. and so gain wisdom. Prov 1:1-7. Jesus' interpretations and explanations were often different from other Rabbis because He got them straight from the Father. Matthew 13:10-12. They also used word-plays eg. Matthew 16:18 rock/Peter;  poetry - using parallels that repeat or develop a thought rather than rhyme. eg. Proverbs 1:7,8; and evasiveness eg. not using G_d's name YHWH; 'kingdom of heaven' being the rule of God rather than a place; 'apple of eye' meaning most protected (as the iris is protected within the eye).

The goal of a Rabbi was to raise disciples to carry on his teaching. He was a living example to them and sought to develop their moral character so they would reflect his life and be like him.

The Jews honoured Moses for giving them Torah, and looked forward to Messiah who would be a great teacher of Torah and demonstrate great power. By revelation we know Jesus is Messiah, bringing God's word to us. As Messiah He is our great teacher, redeemer, sacrifice for sin, and way of salvation. He is the Son of God.

So what Jesus did as a Rabbi was typical of all Rabbis, but how He did it was supernatural!

Pharisees were a political party, social movement, class and a school of thought. They claimed Mosaic authority for their interpreation of the Jewish laws. Jesus consistently clashed with the legalism of Pharisees. Matthew 5:20; 9:11, 14,34; 12:1,2. Paul was a Pharisee.

Sadducees were an upper class sect who maintained the temple. Matthew 3:7; 16:12, 22,23; Acts 23:6,7. Sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection, angels or spirits.

28July 4,11, 18 August  Ross Callaghan. Why Jesus was so effective 

Jesus said we would do then same things as He did and even greater things. John 14:12. For this to happen we need to understand how Jesus exercised His ministry and operate in the same way. Here are 8 key principles that made Jesus so effective:

  • Jesus came as a result of God's initiative. Galatians 4:4; Philippians 2:5-13. The most fruitful thing we can do is find the will of God, and do it. 1 John 5:4.
  • Jesus lived in close relationship with God. Mark 1:35.  All that he did came out of relationship with the Father. John 5:19; 14:24; 15:5.
  • Jesus only did the will of God. He did what the Father told Him to do. John 12:49,50; 14:10; 14:31. This is what it means to be led by the Spirit. Romans 8:1-17.
  • Jesus operated in the power of the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:6-8. Luke 4:18,19. We need to also! Acts 1:8. John 14:12.
  • Jesus was motivated by God's love. Ephesians 5:2. He loves everyone, not just those in the Church. John 3:16. We must do likewise. John 13:34,35.
  • Jesus dedicated Himself to equipping others. He laid down His life for others John 15:13. By investing in the disciples He multiplied His ministry and now sends us out in His name. Matthew 28:18-20.
  • Jesus delegated to others. Luke 10:1-24. He sent out the disciples to do His work. Church leaders should equip the saints to do the work of ministry, not do it themselves. Ephesians 4:11.
  • Jesus was a wonderful example. John 13:15. He now calls us to follow His example. 1 Peter 2:21; Matthew 10:25. He understands what we go through  Hebrews 4:15. He was especially scathing about hypocrisy. Mark 7:6; John 13:35. Let's be Christlike in our example.

Jesus was incredibly effective in His ministry. Let's go and do likewise. Luke 10:37.

Click here to download a complete set of notes for this series.

21 July  Kapa haka group.

14 July. Ross Callaghan  Our Christian legacy.

Recently Andrew Pritchard said that those who ‘finish well’ can look back on a legacy where they have made a difference.  Their life was worth living. What they have done counts for eternity.

We can all ask ‘Have I made a difference?  What is my legacy? When it’s all been said and done what will be left behind after I’ve gone to heaven?' Family? Possessions? Memories? Contribution towards building the Kingdom of God?

Our only lasting legacy is our contribution to the Kingdom of God.  Colossians 1:12,13;   2 Corinthians 9:9;  1 John 2:17;  Matthew 6:13. Approaches to building the Kingdom have changed significantly over the years as society has changed, but the gospel and the Great Commission are still the same. Matthew 28:20. At Gateway we seek to build then Kingdom through ministry to the elderly, support of the Hope project and financial support for mission, outreaches and ministries to the poor in NZ.

Jesus is our best example of how to be effective in building the Kingdom so let’s fix our eyes on Him, Hebrews 12:2,  Let’s focus on building a legacy that counts for eternity, as we seek to build the kingdom of God.

7 July
Ray Harrison. Psalm 28:6, 7

We praise God for many reasons:

  • He hears my cry. Ps 40:1; 130:1
  • He gives me strength. Phil 4:13; Jn 15:5; Dt 33:25; Is 40:29
  • He protects me. Jn 17:11; Ps 32:7
  • He helps me. Ps 46:1; Is 41:10; Rom 8:26
  • He shelters me. Ps 61:4; 91:2; Ps 119:114

And in response:

  • I praise Him.
  • I trust Him.
  • I rejoice in Him. Phil 3:1; 1 Peter 1:8
  • I thank Him. Ps 100:4.

30 June  Rhys Cocker  Ambassadors for Christ.  2 Corinthians 5.

We are to be ambassadors for Christ, focused on reconciliation. v20

  • are appointed by the King
  • represent the Kingdom
  • are committed to Kingdom interests
  • embody the Kingdom
  • are not citizens of the place they are sent
  • are the responsibility of the Kingdom
  • have access to the Kingdom's wealth for their assignments.
Regardless of our age or stage in life we are ambassadors for Christ, and can be effective for the Kingdom. We can all minister God's love to others. Titus 2:13,14.

23 June Andrew Pritchard   Finishing well.

John 21:15-19, Acts 25:13-21.  These passages describe the last part of Peter and Paul's lives: how they finished.

Research on Christian leaders shows that those who finish well:
  • learn and gain perspective from their experiences
  • enjoy times of inner renewal
  • exercise spiritual disciplines
  • are continually learning
  • had several mentors.

At the end of their lives those who finish well still enjoy a vibrant relationship with God; show evidence of Christ-likeness; are still learning and can look back on a legacy where they have made a difference. Their life was worth living. What they have done counts for eternity.

Did both Peter and Paul finish well? Finishing well is not the same as success, or having a well-deserved, peaceful retirement. It's about an inner life of continuing discipleship, growth in character and intimacy with God; and an outer life that leaves a legacy in others.

2 Timothy 4:7,8.

16 June. Richard Nicoll.  God's seasons

God has His seasons; His times. Joel 2:28-32 was fulfilled on time in Acts 2 and continues on to the prophetic generation in these last days.  The Great Commission Matthew 28:19,20 is still true in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. We are empowered to share the gospel; baptize and make disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit, but need new dreams and visions as to how we can represent Christ to the world. In the world we are dehumanized from Christ,  but our true identity is in Him and we have been charged to go out in His power to change the world . We now need a new word; new power and new obedience  to go out and represent God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - so the world will be convicted of His ways; His truth and His holiness. We need to be re-immersed in the Holy Spirit!

9 June. Dawn and Bernie Townsend's mission trip to Nepal.

Some of the things we learned:
  • we had to be social and relational
  • we needed to bond with the people
  • our couple 'togetherness' demonstrated God's love
  • we needed to minister in the vernacular
  • we worked best through small groups
  • the people appreciated physical activities
  • we visited families
  • we got feedback on our effectiveness

Four year's later there was a 3 - 4 fold increase in numbers of Christians in the area!

2 June Bernie Townsend  Jehovah nissi - the Lord is our  banner

We were born into a hostile world and re-born into a war zone. We are expected to fight for the establishment of God's kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

  • God covers and provides for His people even in unlikely circumstances. Exodus 17:8-16. The banner raised in this is our issue. What we raise up is what the world sees. It should be obvious to all that the Lord is our banner. Song of Solomon 2:4
  • Under the Lord's covering we are conquerors. Doing your own thing means going without the Lord's covering and is not the will of God. Joshua 1:1-9; 7:2-4. Sin has to be dealt with. 7:6-26. 8:1-29.
  • God intervenes supernaturally when we face enemies under His banner. He looks after us because the supernatural is natural for Him. Joshua 10:5-27. The enemy needs to be named, recognized, captured and disposed of permanently via confession, repentance, confrontation, testimony, and walking in the victory we have in Christ. After all, Jesus said "It is finished".

26 April.  Epic with John Eldredge

We watched this thought provoking DVD. It gave an insight into our story as part of God's story.

5, 12, 19 April.  Ross Callaghan  Authentic Christianity.

Click here for a complete set of notes on this series.

Do not be conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may approve what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Romans 12:2

We have seen that:

  • we are not to be conformed to this world
  • we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.(by understanding the prevailing world view; understanding the influence of the Christian world view and by the work of the Holy Spirit)

Why?  -  That we may test and approve God’s will.  This involves:

  • Finding, understanding and testing God’s will for your life. We are not brainwashed robots!  As we discover God’s will it’s OK to test it. It’s healthy to think through all aspects of your faith and Christian experience.
  • Approving God’s will for your life. Once you realise that God’s way is much better than the world’s way it’s easy to make this approval.  God’s way is the best way!  (But there will be a battle for this approval, as there are many deceptive forces trying to lead you away from God and His ways).
  • Living out God’s will for your life  ie. being an authentic Christian              

You will find that God’s will for your life, and living it His way is:

  • Good. (as it is always about what is best for us and what is right). God is light and in Him is no darkness at all 1 John 1:5. I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.  John 10:10
  • Acceptable. (pleasing).  When you live God’s way you find that it really works.  It makes sense to live life the way you were designed!  It makes every aspect of life better; life has a purpose! I desire to do your will, O my God.  Psalm 40:8
  • Perfect.  God’s will is for you to fits with His overall purpose for the Church, nation, world, universe, eternity…. which is perfect!  Things fall into place when you are fulfilling God’s purposes. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and hedelights in His way.  Psalm 37:23.

So, what is God’s good, acceptable and perfect will for our lives?   In other words, “What is authentic Christianity”?

It could be described as: the Kingdom of God; the will of God; living God’s way; doing what God wants you to do; being what God wants you to be; ‘Christian’; having Jesus as Lord.  Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Matthew 6:10

Paul explains what God’s good, acceptable and perfect will is in the rest of the book of Romans.  It involves:

Finding  God’s purpose for your life and fulfilling it.   Romans 12:3-8 

Living out your Christian life with integrity.   Romans 12:9–13:10

This includes: being humble;  having a realistic view of yourself; taking your place in the body of Christ; using your gifts; loving with sincerity; hating evil; doing good; honouring others; keeping your spiritual passion; serving the Lord; being joyful, patient and hopeful; sharing; being compassionate; blessing others; practising hospitality; living at peace with others; doing what is right; associating with anyone; not being proud, conceited; submitting to rightful authorities; caring for the poor; paying your debts; not being vengeful; respecting others;

Understanding the present times. Romans 13:11-15:13 

Wake up Christians!  The times we live in may be dark and we are being persecuted but: our salvation is closer; the coming of Jesus is near; God’s purposes are being fulfilled; the night is nearly over, the day is almost here. 

The New Testament Church was eschatological: expecting Jesus would return soon.  We have lost the urgency of this and need to get it back! The times may be dark but God is in control.  Jesus is returning soon to bring in the fullness of the Kingdom of God.  So what should we do??

  • Put aside all deeds of darkness.  In other words ‘don’t conform to this world’.
  • Put on the armour of light.  Live as genuine Christians and let our lights shine into the darkness and overcome it. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven  Matthew 5:16
  • Clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ.  After all we will be spending eternity like this!
  • Don’t get bogged down with petty and divisive issues and don't put a stumbling block in other people’s way.
  • Be a great example of what it means to live as a Christian.
  • Bear with others who are on the same journey as you are.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 15:5

May the God of all hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13

Some questions for you:

How do you determine whether you are in the centre of God’s will?  What can you do if you find you are not in the centre of God’s will?  Why is God’s will called “good and acceptable and perfect”?

28 April.  Bruce Billington  God's favour

We are to be salt and light in the world. Matthew 3:13-15. We can do this because as Christians we have God's favour. 1 Peter 2:9,10; Psalm 91:3-7. e.g. God can even bring good out of situations like recent legislation: it has enabled the state to further remove itself from defining marriage, so while marriage still requires a licence, authorised by the state, we can now more clearly state what marriage is from a Christian perspective.

Even though we may go through trials and tribulations we are stil favoured by God. 1 Corinthians 10:13. Under God's favour we can handle these situations in two ways:
  • God can take us out of them
  • God will give us the grace to go through them (most common)
We all have times of distress Proverbs 24:5 , but in it God shields and protects us. Psalm 5:12.

To favour means to endorse, support, approve of. God is continuously cleansing us and clothing us in righteousness so we can become lights shining in a fallen world. 1 John 1:7.  All of the heroes of the Bible had the favour of God on them just as we do but they all had similar challenges to ours.

Here's a barometer for checking God's favour in your life - the wealth that you have in Christ (Wealth is not dependent on money!). Our wealth in Christ comes from:
  • our relational peace with God. 2 Peter 1:2-11
  • our personal relationships within our natural family and with the people God has joined us with. Ephesians 4:16.
  • our understanding of the Kingdom of God and how it applies in our lives. (revelational wealth)
  • time and good health. We all have enough time to fulfill our destiny and purpose in God.
  • material contentment. Wealth in the Kingdom is to be thankful for and take joy in what we have, and to share it. Luke 12:48.
Riches can be obtained with or without obedience to God, while wealth can only be obtained in obedience to God and is composed of skills, character and spiritual knowledge.  Psalm 17:5. Wealth passes on through death. Riches doesn't.

As children of God, the favour of the Lord is on our lives and we are very wealthy. Isaiah 60:1-3.


21 April.  Sam Bayly "Make the most of every opportunity".  Ephesians 5:16
  1. God can use anyone Matthew 19:26
  2. We can all influence someone. Matthew 28:18
  3. The harvest is under way. Luke 10:12

14 April.  Richard Nicoll.  Intimacy with the Father.

The Father loves us and wants us to experience Him in new intimacy. Exodus 33:12-23.  This face to face  intimacy distinguishes us from all other peoples and changes us so we reflect His glory. John 14:6-14. We were made to have intimacy with the Father. It gives us identity.
In Ephesians 1:17-19 Paul prays for a greater revelation of the Father. Out of this comes power, wisdom and revelation of the glory of God. We are in a period of waiting for this revelation. John 5:19. This will spread through the world as 'new wine' for the end of the age - an anointing that will overflow to reveal the Father's will, goodness and glory in the world.

7 April. Open service
- no sermon.

31 March  Special Easter Sunday service
- no sermon.

17 and 24 March
 Bernie Townsend. The names of Almighty God.

Click here for a list of all of God's names. 

10 March  Ross Callaghan  Outline of Romans

We have been exploring what it means to be authentic Christians based on Romans 12:2.  Following this verse Paul gives a description of what authentic Christianity is like (in Romans 12:3-15:13). To put this in context here is an outline of the whole book of Romans. It shows how the Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes; first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last (not by law).

Click here to download the outline of the book of Romans.

3 March  
Brian Ashford - Bridges for Peace, with Karen Gazley.

Genesis 12:1-4. God has blessed all nations through Israel; He has kept the promise He made to Abram. Jews are 1/2 of 1% of the world population but have contributed so much - eg. towards 129 Nobel prizes; computing; flight security, medical research, literature etc. God has kept His promises to Abram so He will keep His promises to you.

God has invited Karen Gazley to serve in Israel through Bridges for Peace. See . She now needs prayer, letters, emails, visits, financial support etc. 

Isaiah 43:19. Karen Gazley is standing at the door of destiny - hearing God's call that now is the time. Psalm 32:8. Highlights of the lead up to this include: 1975 - Karen lost her husband; 1980 - camping tour of Israel; 1989 - born again; 1992 - Jerusalem captured her heart;  2000 conference and volunteer in Israeli Army; 2004 - wrote 'Seek the peace of the City', 2008 - volunteer in Israeli Army; 2011 - Tour leader. Called Karen - a ray of light. Isaiah 61:1-3. 
2013 - New doors open up through Bridges for Peace. Psalm 121:7.

3, 17, 24 February Ross Callaghan  Authentic Christians series Part 4: The influence of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a major influence on our lives   He is continually seeking to help us have Jesus as Lord.  John 14:16,17,26. John 15:26, John 16:7-10,13,14. The Holy Spirit is counter-cultural! 

The Holy Spirit is always seeking to bring everyone into the kingdom of God: convicting, influencing, promoting righteousness, honouring Jesus, drawing people to salvation and to relationship with God.  But….  He always gives us a choice.  (God will not take away our free will).

We can choose to obey/disobey/ignore the Holy Spirit as He seeks to honour Jesus in our lives.  We can also open ourselves up and ask Him to search out the cultural/philosophical garbage and replace it with genuine Christian life. (It’s a bit risky doing this, because He will!).

Search me O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.  Psalm 139:23, 24.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Do not cast me from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Psalm 51:10-12.

The Holy Spirit  reveals the Word of God from the Bible

A major way of opening up to the Holy Spirit is to get into the Bible.  Again, this is a choice.  When you get into the Bible the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to speak to you (rhema) from God’s word.  That can be mind and life changing (if you believe and obey what God says!).

The unfolding of your words gives light.  Psalm 119:130.

The Holy Spirit speaks to your heart

The spoken word of God is called a rhema.  You sense the Holy Spirit speaking to your spirit (anointing) and have an understanding of it in your mind (revelation).

The word (rhema) is near you.  It is in your mouth and in your heart.  Romans 10:18.

But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  John 14:26.

  • It is received in your spirit and results in understanding.  1 Corinthians 2:10-16.

  • It comes with love. God has poured His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.  Romans 5:5.

  • It honours Jesus. The Spirit of truth. He will testify about me. John 15:26.

  • It focuses on truth.  But you have an anointing from the Holy One and all of you know the truth.1 John 2:20.

  • It is real. As for you the anointing you received from Him remains in you and you do not need anyone to teach you.  But as His anointing is real, not counterfeit, just as it has taught you, remain in Him.       1 John 2:27.

When you hear a rhema you ‘just know’ that God is speaking! He (the Holy Spirit) will bring glory to me (Jesus) by taking what is mine and making it known to you.  John 16:14.  When this happens you need to hear and obey!

The Holy Spirit activates your conscience

The Holy Spirit sets off the alarm bells in your conscience to protect you from trouble. The lamp of the Lord searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his inmost being.  Proverbs 20:27.  Keep a clear conscience. 1 Peter 3:16.  If you give in to sin your conscience gets de-sensitised.

The Holy Spirit will gradually re-sensitise your conscience.  How much more will the blood of Christ … cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God  Hebrews 9:14.

You can choose to obey/disobey/ignore the Holy Spirit as He seeks to honour Jesus in your life.  You can also open yourself up and ask Him to search out the cultural or philosophical garbage and replace it with genuine Christian life. (It’s a bit risky doing this, cos He will!). When the Holy Spirit speaks to you and/or activates your conscience obey immediately!  That way you’ll stay in that ‘good, acceptable and perfect will of God’.  Romans 12:2.

 Psalm 51:10-12.  Psalm 139:23, 24.

Some questions for you:

What are some changes the Holy Spirit has made in your life over the last year?

How open are you to the Holy Spirit?

How does the Holy Spirit work in your life?

So there are many influences on our lives: some positive and some negative.

Romans 12:2 shows us we don’t have to conform to this world; rather we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

That’s how we will know what God wants us to do; that’s how we can find His ‘good, acceptable and perfect will.

Click here to download a complete set of notes for this series.

10 February   Vision for 2013  Neil Evans and Ross Callaghan

Click here to read the vision for Gateway, 2013. This is the outcome of the elder's planning day held in January.

27 January  Lynne Curwen. The power of one.

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things with God's help.  He created us to serve others and make a difference, and will use us to do this, if we allow Him.  Mathew 5:13-16.  God places us in situations where we can let our lights shine. We may never know what differences we are making, but they all count - big or small.  Jesus was a walking sermon and our challenge is to walk in His footsteps - to love and serve others in a Christlike way. 1 Peter 2:21-23. This means walking in God's ways all day, every day.

We can make a difference Jesus' way:
  • start small
  • start now
  • be generous and value and empower others
  • seek long-lasting effects
  • lead the way by being godly in our actions
  • serve others as Jesus did
  • pray.
God uses those who are available to Him. That's the power of one!

20 January. Sue Gould  God's creatures.

God created all of the creatures and it was very good. (Genesis 1).  Creatures mentioned in Proverbs 30:24-31 and throughout the Bible include: frogs, ants, coneys, locusts, lizards, lions, donkeys, deer, sheep, eagles, doves, bees and even fleas. We can learn lessons from each of these creatures. These lessons include: put on the armour of God; look after family, friends and the environment; work together for growth and protection; be on guard against enemies; follow godly leaders; cooperate with others; beauty comes from within; don't favour some over others; be adaptable; emulate the strength, power and courage of Christ; be peace-makers; be loyal to the Master; follow and trust Jesus; train our young in God's ways; be strong in the Lord; be meek and beautiful for Him; be wise; be irritants for those who water down the gospel; have simple and pure lives.

All of God's creatures are clean (Acts 10:15). Let's make sure we look after the animals and be responsible stewards over God's creation.

13 January  Bernie Townsend  Reflecting on the 2011 prophecy: new weapons are needed to defeat our enemies and extend the Father's kingdom.

Changes are needed to embrace and use the new weapons. 1 Kings 8:9.  These changes include personal ones like:
  1. Time.  Spend time listening for, identifying and obeying the directions of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Mind.  Listen to, acknowledge follow and respect those instructors who the Holy Spirit gives. Romans 12:2. e.g in finances, Luke 9:3, 16:13; eating, Isaiah 55:2, 1 Corinthians 10:31; exercise 1 Corinthians 9:24, Hebrews 12:1; prayer Matthew 12:5; Galatians 1:4; warfare Isaiah 52:1,2; 45:2,3.
  3. Attitude.  Yield to the work of the Holy Spirit and whatever new weapons He might have for you.

6 January
  Richard Nicoll  What is God saying to us?

God knows what is ahead in 2013.  Is He wanting to use us to usher in something new?  Exodus 33:20; Ephesians 2:10; Exodus 33:7-23.
God wants to show His glory - His nature and character - through us to a dying world. 1 Peter 4:14; 2 Corinthians 3:18.
Be ready to receive a visitation of His glory. Stay open to God's agenda with hungry hearts. Romans 8:19, and always seek to reflect and give away His glory. Christ in us is the hope of glory. If we touch heaven the earth will be changed. Haggai 2:9. When God's glory is present people will run to it!

Thus says the Lord. I am about to do a new thing. My Spirit will move with great power and supernatural activities will take place.
People will try to dismiss that it is My Spirit, says the Lord, and endeavour to rationalise this new demonstration and say it is not of Me, and will not receive or understand My ways. They are not of Me and don't have My Spirit to discern the days coming. They will oppose Me and not receive the new thing in their midst. Trust in Me, says the Lord. Do not try to figure things out in your mind but lean on Me and acknowledge My ways as I make your path straight.
How will you know it is the moving by the Spirit?  Am I not the word made flesh.


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